Monday, November 2, 2015

Bornpretty nail wraps review

Hey guys! 

Wow can you believe it's November already? 

Today I'm reviewing some nail stickers from Bornprettystore. They're gorgeous but I'm sad to say I was disappointed with them.

Item #22602

I thought these would be perfect for a day or two. I was feeling lazy but I wanted pretty nails. 

Item #22602

The packaging looks like this. I actually thought they were water decals at first but then realized they were stickers. 

I applied them on clean bare nails. I trimmed off the excess and pressed them down firmly. I wanted to wear them for a few days so I top coated one and waited to see if it wrinkled or not. It didn't so I went ahead and applied all of the stickers and top coated after I trimmed them. 

Not even 20 minutes later the sides started to peel up. You can see it a bit on my index nail. So I trimmed that bit off and applied another coat of top coat. That seemed to work. Until I had to do mommy dutties like bathe the kids and wash the dishes. A couple of them fell off. I ended up taking them all off. It made me sad because I had applied them to all ten nails! 

Item #22602

I think I will recreate these with stamping. This might be my first bad experience with a product from Bornpretty. I don't think it'll stop me from buying stuff from there though.

Have you tried these kind of stickers before? What did you think of them? Let me know your experience. 

Thanks for stopping by!
Happy painting :)

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**Press sample. Items provided free of charge for review. All opinions are my own!**


  1. That's really a shame, they are so pretty. I haven't tried full nail stickers from them, but I've had good luck with single image stickers and I love their water decals.

  2. They're beautiful. Maybe the top coat made them fall off?

    1. I don't think so, I had to press them down several times. I have some more nail wraps to review. Maybe I'll leave some without top coat.

  3. Yea maybe they need to be thinner.

  4. Oh no, that must have been aggravating! They look so pretty though!

  5. I had similar experience of wraps not from bps but other company. I feel wraps should be stretchable to stick nicely. They looked so good though.

  6. I enjoy their water decals but the stickers not so much! Too bad because they are so pretty!!

  7. I hated my wraps from them too. Too bad.

    1. I know I kept thinking about you! What sucks is that I have another set of wraps from them to review. I hope they're better than these.

  8. I'm not a fan of stickers, wraps, water slides, etc, but I really can't wait to see your stamping job. I bet it will be so much better!

  9. That's so sad, they were so pretty.

  10. These are very pretty! Hopefully the other ones aren't like this. Can't wait to see your stamping!
